Opening Commentary
Initial Inspection and Removal of Oil
Time-Lapse of Disassembly
Forensic Architecture
The above exhibition at the Venice Biennale really caught my eye. It depicts the deconstruction of a drone strike in Miranshah, Pakistan to try and elucidate the cause and effect of such a humanitarian atrocity. It uses eye witness photographs, videos, audio and satellite imagery to piece together events. This correlates directly with ideas of perspective, time and the 3D world, that was key to Chapter 1. In addition, the forensic architecture group in London, headed by architect Eyal Weizman, brings together people of many different professions; architects, scholars, artists, filmmakers, software developers, investigative journalists, archaeologists, lawyers, and scientists, to analyse a certain case. This too happens in the world of engineering, where people from all walks of life work collaboratively to try and produce a product of value. The techniques used such as, photogrammetry, LIDAR, 3D modelling etc, are all areas of fascination and the idea of attempting to lay out a highly complex chain of events in a chronological, pragmatic manner is directly linked to that of disassembling my engine. Below, I have separately photographed key components of the defunct object, as if they were evidential items in a crime scene, attempting to visually show the constituent parts of a highly complex system, exactly like the work of forensic architects.